Adding reCaptcha validator to jQuery Validate with AJAX check and PHP

Here we will see how to integrate reCaptcha 1.0 with the famous jQuery Validate plugin. I assume that you already have a reCaptcha account (otherwise read the Step 1 from this post) because you will need a public and private key related to your site.


1. Load the reCaptcha AJAX js:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

2. Place this div where you want to display the reCaptcha form.

<div id="captcha"></div>

Javascript (or Coffeescript)

// Displays the recpatcha form in the element with id "captcha"
Recaptcha.create("your_public_key", "captcha", {
  theme: "clean",
  callback: Recaptcha.focus_response_field

// Add reCaptcha validator to form validation
jQuery.validator.addMethod("checkCaptcha", (function() {
  var isCaptchaValid;
  isCaptchaValid = false;
    url: "libs/checkCaptcha.php",
    type: "POST",
    async: false,
    data: {
      recaptcha_challenge_field: Recaptcha.get_challenge(),
      recaptcha_response_field: Recaptcha.get_response()
    success: function(resp) {
      if (resp === "true") {
        isCaptchaValid = true;
      } else {
  return isCaptchaValid;
}), "");

// Validation
  rules: {
    // your rules here...

    // Add a rule for the reCaptcha field
    recaptcha_response_field: {
      required: true,
      checkCaptcha: true
  messages: {
    recaptcha_response_field: {
      checkCaptcha: "Your Captcha response was incorrect. Please try again."
  onkeyup: false,
  onfocusout: false,
  onclick: false
  # * Recaptcha

  # Displays the recpatcha form in the element with id "captcha"
  Recaptcha.create "your_public_key", "captcha",
    theme: "clean"
    callback: Recaptcha.focus_response_field

  # Add reCaptcha validator to form validation
  jQuery.validator.addMethod "checkCaptcha", (->
    isCaptchaValid = false
      url: "libs/checkCaptcha.php"
      type: "POST"
      async: false
        recaptcha_challenge_field: Recaptcha.get_challenge()
        recaptcha_response_field: Recaptcha.get_response()

      success: (resp) ->
        if resp is "true"
          isCaptchaValid = true
    return isCaptchaValid
  ), ""

  # Validation
      // your rules here...

      // Add a rule for the reCaptcha field
        required: true
        checkCaptcha: true

        checkCaptcha: "Your Captcha response was incorrect. Please try again."

    onkeyup: false
    onfocusout: false
    onclick: false 


  1. Download the reCaptcha PHP library and extract the zip into a folder in your web project (in my example in /libs)
  2. Create a file called checkCaptcha.php, this script will validates the captcha code:
// Include the reCaptcha library
require_once __DIR__ . "/libs/recaptcha-php/recaptchalib.php";

$privatekey = "your_private_key";

// reCaptcha looks for the POST to confirm
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,

// If the entered code is correct it returns true (or false)
if ($resp->is_valid) {
  echo "true";
} else {
  echo "false";


You could experience some issues that you solve with this CSS:

 * reCaptcha override fixes
// Avoid to hide the bottom border of the image
.recaptchatable #recaptcha_image{

// Remove the blank space at the bottom of the page generated by the iframe
body > iframe[src='about:blank'] {display:none !important;}
header iframe,
section iframe,
footer iframe,
div iframe { display:inline; }
  • Khuong Vu

    Thank you for your post. Your tutorial works. (For people new to Ajax and JavaScript like me, it is a bit difficult to work with the languages. The scripting languages, Ajax and JavaScript, don’t throw an error, and so I thought I put in some echo statements to diagnose the problems. As it turns out the echo statements are not good diagnostic tools, because they can be used to return values. Anyway, I was just having problems with “require_once” and the “echo” statements. Otherwise, the tutorial works “as is”.)

  • Jordan

    How can this code be adapted to use the new reCaptcha API? Thanks!


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