Get the Query String with Coffeescript as Associative Array
Below there is the Coffescript version of the function from this previous post, that returns an associative array containing field-value pairs from the query string:
getQueryString = ->
vars = []
# Get the start index of the query string
qsi = window.location.href.indexOf("?")
return vars if qsi is -1
# Get the query string
qs = window.location.href.slice(qsi + 1)
# Check if there is a subsection reference
sri = qs.indexOf("#")
qs = qs.slice(0, sri) if sri >= 0
# Build the associative array
hashes = qs.split("&")
for hash in hashes
sep = hash.indexOf("=")
continue if sep <= 0
key = decodeURIComponent(hash.slice(0, sep))
val = decodeURIComponent(hash.slice(sep + 1))
vars[key] = val
Example usage:
# Get the query string
queryString = getQueryString()
# Print all field-value pairs
for k of queryString
console.log (k + " ==> " + queryString[k]);
# Check if the field "a" exists
console.log queryString["a"] if queryString["a"] isnt `undefined`
# Get the value for the field "b"
b = queryString["b"]
# Assign a value for the field "c"
queryString["c"] = "10"